Vincent Massol
I'm Technical Director of XWiki SAS, a company developing XWiki, an open source second generation wiki. My full bio is available on linkedin.
I'm really interested in anything that can make computer development a better "science", i.e. that helps the software engineering discipline. As a consequence, I've been researching and participating in the following areas over the past few years:
- Development methodologies and especially applying agile methodologies in the field.
- Tools / frameworks, especially in the domain of Builds, Tests and generally quality control.
- Making collaboration easy even from a distance.
Book Authoring
- JUnit in Action published by Manning in 2003
- Maven: A Developer's Notebook published by O'Reilly in 2005
- Agile Offshore published by KPIT in 2005
- Better Builds with Maven published by Mergere/DevZuz/Exist in 2006
I've created the OSSGTP in 2004 (and still alive and kicking today!) which is a group of French open sourcers, gathering to speak about technology and open source. The list of projects we cover is quite varied.
I'm participating to a monthly Podcast called Les Cast Codeurs talking about Java News (in French), along with Emmanuel Bernard (JBoss, Hibernate), Guillaume Laforge (VMWare, Groovy) and Antonio Goncalves (freelance, book author).
Open source participations
Current open source projects I am still participating to:
- WikiModel: A set of wiki-related libraries, such as a parsers for various wiki syntaxes, and common wiki model.
- XWiki: A second generation enterprise wiki
Open source projects I have participated to at some point in time but where I'm no longer active:
- Cactus (Creator) : JUnit extension to perform in-container unit testing of J2EE applications
- Maven 1 : Next generation project build tool. I have especially created the following Maven plugins (initial creation - lots of people have helped since then):
- Maven2 : I was participating to design discussions. I have created the following plugins (initial creation - lots of people have helped since then):
- Pattern Testing (Creator) : concept based on AspectJ to perform testing of architecture patterns. This concept is now reused in the new proposal for Cactus 2 architecture.
- JUnit in Action source code: I have donated all source code from my JUnit in Action book to the open source community under an Apache license.
- Maven: A Developer's notebook: I have donated all source code from the Maven book to the open source community under an Apache license.
- Cargo (Creator): Java API to start/stop and configure Java containers.
- MockObjects: strategy for unit testing code in isolation
- Struts: framework for building Java web applications
- Gump: continuous integration tool
Latest Public Activities
My latest significant activities (outside coding!):
- Feb 2014: Organized the Wiki Dev Room at FOSDEM 2014 and presented several talks.
- Oct 2013: Presented Implémenter la qualité sur un projet java at Codeurs en Seine
- Oct 2013: Co-Presented "Combining Open Source ethics with private Interests" with Ludovic Dubost + presented "Implementing quality on a Java project" at OWF 2013
- Sep 2013: Presented XWiki Evolutions for 2013 for a breakfast event organized by XWiki SAS at Eurosite George V in Paris
- Jun 2013: Live recording of LesCastCodeurs podcast at the YAJUG
- Apr 2013: Presented Implementing quality on a Java project at CodeCamp Iasi 2013.
- Mar 2013: Presented Implementing quality on a Java project at Devoxx France 2013. Also participated to several other events including the Live recording of LesCastCodeurs and the OSSGTP BOF.
- Feb 2013: Co-Presented "Combining Open Source ethics with private Interests" at FOSDEM 2013 with Ludovic Dubost
- Nov 2012: Presented Application Within Minutes at Devoxx BE and recorded a live podcast of LesCastCodeurs
- Oct 2012: Presented Developing simple web applications quickly and Developing the XWiki software at the Mars JUG
- Oct 2012: Presented Developing simple web applications quickly and Developing the XWiki software at the Alpes JUG
- Sep 2012: Presented XWiki Evolutions for 2012/2013 for a breakfast event organized by XWiki SAS at Eurosite George V in Paris
- Jun 2012: Table Ronde @ Solutions Linux on the topic "Quels rôles pour les logiciels libres dans le cloud ?"
- Jun 2012: Presented XWiki le wiki++ (Demonstration of XWiki used as a web development platform to construct the Breizhcamp 2013 web site) and recorded live LesCastCodeurs podcast at Breizhcamp 2012.
- Apr 2012: Co-presented the OSSGTP team at Devoxx France 2012
- Mar 2012:Presented XWiki: A web development runtime platform (slides and video) and Developing XWiki with Denis Gervalle at the Luxembourg JUG (YAJUG). A very nice poster done by Yannick Kirschhoffer.
- Jan 2012: Presented XWiki Evolutions for 2012 for a breakfast event organized by XWiki SAS at Eurosite George V in Paris.
- Oct 2011: Participated in round table on the Software Developer Job at the Paris JUG
- Oct 2011: Presented Using a wiki as a web development platform at RivieraDEV 2011
- Sep 2011: Presented the XWiki Component Model at a workshop in France on Component Models.
- Sep 2011: Presented XWiki: A web development runtime platform at Lausanne JUG
- Sep 2011: Presented Developing the XWiki Software at Lausanne JUG
- Jul 2011: Recorded live podcast of Les CastCodeurs at USI 2011.
- Apr 2011: Participated to the Geek Snow Camp 2011 organized by the OSSGTP.
- Sep 2010: Participated to an open space on how to facilitate working from a distance.
- Jul 2010: Recorded live podcast of Les CastCodeurs at USI 2010.
- Mar 2010: Presented Developing Situational Applications in XWiki at Solutions Linux 2010
- Nov 2009: Presented the latest innovations in XWiki at OCTO Technology
- Sep 2009: Attendee and impromptu session organizer at CITCON Europe 2009 on Continuous Integration
- Jul 2009: Speaker at OCTO USI 2009 on Wiki vs CMS
- Jun 2009: Speaker at Jazoon 2009 on Next generation Wikis: Mixing Content-Oriented Applications with Wikis
- Dec 2008: Doing demos at the XWiki booth at Devoxx 2008
- Jul 2008: Speaker at OCTO USI 2008 on
- May 2008: Doing demos at the XWiki booth at JavaOne 2008
- Dec 2007: Doing demos at the XWiki booth at Javapolis 2007
- Nov 2007: Wrote article for TheServerSide on XWiki: A platform for collaborative apps
- Oct 2007: Google Summer of Code Summit 2007 representing XWiki
- Oct 2007: Speaker at Valtech Days 2007 on
- Mar 2007: Presented XWiki as an OSSGTP project at Sun Tech Days 2007
- Dec 2006: Doing demos at the XWiki booth at Javapolis 2006
- Dec 2006: Joined XWiki as CTO.
- Dec 2006: Maven presentation on Maven2 and Quality at a conference organized by CRIM
- Jul 2006: Talk at EOA (European Outsourcing Association) on doing Distributed Development using Agile methodologies.
- Jun 2006: Co-presented the OSSGTP (Open Source Get Together Paris) group at Sun Java Day
- Apr 2006: Finished co-writing a book on Maven2: Better Builds with Maven which is available freely as a PDF.
- Jan 2006: Talk at CIGREF on Agile Offshore Development
- Dec 2005: Talk on Maven 2.0 at Javapolis 2005
- Sep 2005: Article for O'Reilly on Building J2EE projects with Maven
- Sep 2005: Interview for French website "Journal du Net" about my open source activities
- Sep 2005: Speaker at JavaZone on Maven ("From Maven 1 to Maven 2").
- Jun 2005: Finished writing a White Paper on Agile Offshore. Beware it's in French :-)
- May 2005: Creation of the web site to promote the Maven book and provides news and tips and tricks about Maven.
- Apr 2005: Finished writing the Maven: A Developer's Notebook book for O'Reilly
- Dec 2004: Speaker at Javapolis 2004
- Jun 2004: Speaker at CTO Days in Paris
- Jun 2004: Interview for on Pivolis + Open source participation (in French)
- May 2004: Speaker at TheServerSide Symposium 2004 in Las Vegas
- Apr 2004: Interview in Courrier-Cadre about the role of Offshore Project Manager (in French)
- Jan 2004: Tech Talk on TheServerSide about Agile Offshore
- Oct 2003: Finished writing JUnit in Action. Pointers and reviews about JUnit in Action.
- Jun 2003: Speaker at TheServerSide Symposium 2003 in Boston. I have presented 2 sessions: one on Unit Testing J2EE applications and one on Building Complex J2EE applications using Maven
- May 2002: Speaker at the Open Source Day in Luxembourg on the subject of Cactus and the Jakarta open source community
- Apr 2002: Speaker at OT2002 on Agile delivery process in practice
- Dec 2001: Lead a BOF at XP Day on Open Source vs XP
- Nov 2001: Reviewer of the Cactus chapters for the book "Java Tools for Extreme Programming : Mastering Open Source Tools including Ant, JUnit and Cactus"
- Oct 2001: Speaker at JSIG London on Unit Testing J2EE applications
- Apr 2001: Interview on Cactus titled "Views from abroad : Cactus - No pity for bugs for EarthWeb
- Feb - Mar. 2000: Lead the "EJB : Advantages and Weaknesses" cycle of conferences (Java User Club, IBM and 01 Réseaux seminaries)
- Feb 2000: Co-authored the book Application Servers (although my name is not on the book !), editor Eyrolles
- Mar 1999: Speaker at a technical seminary for IBM on the WebSphere Application Server
- Mar 1999: Co-author of Octo Technology's white paper on Application Servers (available free on Octo's web site ... but in French !)
- before that I can't remember :-) ...