I had the chance to participate to Softshake (2017 edition) for the first time. It's a small but very nice conference held in Geneva, Switzerland.
From what I gathered, this year there were less attendees than in the previous years (About 150 vs 300 before). However, the organization was very nice:
- Located inside the Hepia school with plenty of rooms available
- 6 tracks in parallel, which is incredible for a small conference
- Breakfast, lunch and snacks organized with good food
- Speaker dinner with Fondue and all
I got to present 2 talks:
- XWiki: The Web's Swiss Army Knife. This is my usual "XWiki: A web development platform" talk that I've given a few times already but with a more Swiss-related title
- Creating your own project's Quality Dashboard. This one was brand new and was a big love demo of how to use XWiki to create a custom Quality Dashboard by aggregating metrics from other sites (Jenkins, SonarQube, JIRA and GitHub), saving them locally to draw history graphs and sending emails when combined metric thresholds are crossed. A lot more people attended this one and I like this new angle of defining a real-life use case and using XWiki just as a tool to achieve it. I'll continue exploring this new way of presenting XWiki since people liked it a lot more and it feels more natural.
I was also very happy to see my friend and ex-OCTO Technology colleague Philippe Kernevez, and to meet new OCTO consultants. Reminded me of the good times at OCTO