
Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2008/12/20 13:47

Blog - XWiki - posts for October 2012

Oct 12 2012

XWiki @ the Alpes and Mars JUG 2012

I was invited to speak about XWiki at the Alpes JUG and the Mars JUG on 10th and 11th of October 2012. I gave 3 presentations at each JUG:

  • Presentation of XWiki from a user point of view (sorry, no slides since this was done purely as a demo) (30 mn)
  • Explain how XWiki can be used to develop web applications quickly and why it can be considered a development platform (1.5 hours)
  • Present how the XWiki open source development is performed (1 hour)

I had a great time at both JUGs. The Mars JUG was a bit more active than the Alpes one with over 30 persons present vs 15 (come on guys, now you need to beat the Mars JUG next time! emoticon_wink). 

OTOH my stay at Grenoble was a bit safer than the Marseille trip... Indeed, I got to witness a murder in Marseille a few minutes after it happened...

On the food topic, I had some great sushis with Julien Viet in Marseille (seems the murder we witnessed didn't make us loose our appetite... emoticon_wink).

Ok so here are the slides (I also did lots of demo during the talk and unfortunately you won't be able to see them - I also spoke a lot more than on the slides, sorry about that - But then you should haven been there! ).

Thanks to Emmanuel Hugonnet and Julien Viet for inviting me.

Created by Vincent Massol on 2008/12/20 13:47