Blog - Think Tank - posts for July 2017
Jul 15 2017
XWiki vs statically-generated site
Imagine that you have a software project and you wish to have a web site to document everything related to the project (user documentation, dev documentation, news, etc).
You may wonder whether you should go with a statically-generated site (using GitHub Pages for example or some homemade solution) or use a wiki such as XWiki.
I've tried to list the pros of each solution below, trying to be as impartial as possible (not easy since I'm one of the developers of the XWiki project ). Don't hesitate to comment if you have other points or if some of my points are not fully accurate, and I'll update this blog post. Thanks!
Pros of a statically-generated site
- Hosting is easier, as it only consists of static pages and assets. More generally, it's simpler to get started (but compensated by the need to set up some DSL and/or build if you don't want to enter content in HTML)
- Maintenance is simplified, no database to backup for example or software to upgrade
- Documentation can be versioned along with the code it documents
- (GitHub) You get a review system built-in with Pull Requests
- Update 2023-08-04: XWiki now has a Change Request Extension that offers similar features.
- (GitHub) You can tag the whole documentation and have branches per released versions
- Easier to scale. It's easy to make web servers scale to massively large number of users.
Pros of a wiki with XWiki
- Easy for anyone to enter content, including for non-technical users. No HTML to know nor any specific DSL to understand. No need for an account on GitHub nor the need to understand how to make a PR.
- Much faster to enter content through the WYSIWYG editor or through wiki markup.
- Changes are immediately visible. You edit a page and click save or preview and you can see the result. No need to go through a build that will push the changes. With preview you can go back to editing the page if you're not satisfied and that's very fast. With WYSIWYG editor you don't even need to preview (since WYSIWYG is... WYSIWYG).
- Richer search, see for example the Search UI vs the Groovy Search UI.
- Ability for users to comment the website pages.
- Ability for users to watch pages and be notified when there are changes to those pages
- Ability to see what's new in the documentation and the changes made
- Your pages are not saved along the code in a single SCM. However XWiki pages can be exported to an XML format and the exported pages can be saved in the same SCM as the code. There are even GitHub Extension and SVN Extensionto help you do that.
- Pages can be exported in different formats: OpenOffice, Word, PDF, etc. Note that it's also possible to export to HTML in order to offer a static web site for example.
- Ability to display large quantity of filterable data in tables with great scalability. For example:
- Ability to have dynamic examples that can be tested directly in the wiki. For example the XWiki Rendering can be tested live.
- Perform dynamic actions, such as generating GitHub statistics for your project.
- Perform dynamic actions by writing some scripts in wiki page. For example imagine you'd like to list all Extensions having a name containing User and located in the the extensions subwiki, you'd simply write the following in a wiki page (you can try it on XWiki Playground):{{velocity}}
#set ($query = $services.query.xwql("where doc.object(ExtensionCode.ExtensionClass).name like '%User%'").setWiki('extensions'))
#foreach ($itemDoc in $query.execute())
* [[extensions:$itemDoc]]
{{/velocity}} - More generally write some applications to enter data easily for your website. It's easy with Applications within Minutes.
IMO the choice will hugely depend on your needs from the above list but also on how easy/hard it is for you to get some hosting for XWiki:
- If it's an internal company project, it shouldn't be hard to install and host an XWiki instance (unless your company doesn't have any IT department, see below in this case)
- If you have some budget you could use XWiki SAS's cloud solution (starts at 10 euros/month for 10 users)
- If you're an open source project and have no budget, then you have 2 choices:
- The XWiki projet has a free farm and if your project doesn't require professional hosting then it could be a good option.
- If your project is quite visible/large or if you need professional hosting, XWiki SAS offers free hosting for Open Source projects.
It would be great if more open source forges such as the Apache Software Foundation, the Eclipse Foundation and others were offering XWiki hosting for their projects as an option.
So what would you choose for your project?