Blog - posts for October 2012
Oct 12 2012
XWiki @ the Alpes and Mars JUG 2012
I was invited to speak about XWiki at the Alpes JUG and the Mars JUG on 10th and 11th of October 2012. I gave 3 presentations at each JUG:
- Presentation of XWiki from a user point of view (sorry, no slides since this was done purely as a demo) (30 mn)
- Explain how XWiki can be used to develop web applications quickly and why it can be considered a development platform (1.5 hours)
- Present how the XWiki open source development is performed (1 hour)
I had a great time at both JUGs. The Mars JUG was a bit more active than the Alpes one with over 30 persons present vs 15 (come on guys, now you need to beat the Mars JUG next time! ).
OTOH my stay at Grenoble was a bit safer than the Marseille trip... Indeed, I got to witness a murder in Marseille a few minutes after it happened...
On the food topic, I had some great sushis with Julien Viet in Marseille (seems the murder we witnessed didn't make us loose our appetite... ).
Ok so here are the slides (I also did lots of demo during the talk and unfortunately you won't be able to see them - I also spoke a lot more than on the slides, sorry about that - But then you should haven been there! ).
Thanks to Emmanuel Hugonnet and Julien Viet for inviting me.