
Last modified by Vincent Massol on 2021/01/07 06:02

Blog - posts for October 2011

Oct 30 2011

Paris JUG: The job of Developer

I was happy to be invited to talk about the job of Developer at the Paris JUG along with Jean-Laurent De Morlhon, Regis Medina, Didier Girard  and Gregory Weinbach.

The idea was to give a glimpse about how we became developers through our personal experience so that younger developers or developers-to-be could understand what it means to be a developer.

We then tried to answer questions from the room.

The pictures of the even have now been put online:

It was a great event and as you can see from the pictures I enjoyed it a lot! emoticon_smile

Thanks Nicolas for organizing this.

Created by Admin on 2013/10/22 14:34