Blog - XWiki - posts for June 2012
Jun 21 2012
Breizhcamp 2012: XWiki used to build a Conference Site
Breizhcamp 2012 was a very nice conference (200 attendees roughly) organized by Nicolas DeLoof and friends.
I had the opportunity to present XWiki and more specifically I did a demonstration of XWiki used as a web development platform to construct a possible Breizhcamp 2013 web site, featuring the ability to register talks and speakers, and automatically generate a session calendar based on the entered talks. Ability to see all speaker avatars and to search for sessions. Also demonstrated how to apply a Boostrap-based skin to make the site look like a web site.
I also had some fun showing how to import Gravatars automatically using a Groovy Script.
In addition I also got to record a live LesCastCodeurs episode.
Well done to Nicolas and all who helped organize this event. It was very nice and I'll happily come back next year (especially if the website is done using XWiki ).
Here are some screenshots of the result.
Conference home page demo with default XWiki Skin
Creation of the application to register Talks
Registration of Talks
Edition of a Talk
Conference home page demo with the Lyrebird Skin (bootstrap-based)
Calendar generated automatically by the registered Talks
(Technically a wiki page is created to generate JSON with some Groovy scripting on the XWiki Model, this JSON is then used as input for the Javascript Calendar)
Ability to search for Talks with a Livetable
(Note: The Lyrebird Skin used was missing some CSS for a nice Livetable styling)
Dynamic list of all speaker avatars