Most people probably think that XWiki is a wiki. This is the same as saying that Eclipse is a Java IDE.
In the same manner that Eclipse is a generic platform for developing applications, XWiki is a platform for developing any type of collaborative web applications. You can view it as an Application Server offering high level services relevant to developing collaborative applications. Example of such services are: Versioning service, Document service, Storage service, Attachment service, Authentication/Authorization service, WYSIWYG editing service, Wiki Service, and more as shown on the diagram below
Note that the list of services listed on the diagram is far from exhaustive and there are more since the image was created (like the GWT API, Scheduling service, REST API, etc).
So what type of collaborative applications can you develop with XWiki? Here are some examples:
- Collaborative RSS reader. By the way there's an instance running here for monitoring everything about XWiki that is said on the web.
- Workspace-based collaboration tool
- Merchant website. I'm sure you didn't recognize XWiki on that site! If you're like me and don't recognize XWiki check this link.
- Project Management tool. Note that development for it has been stopped.
- Online educational course creation and sharing
- A lot more... See other examples of XWiki usages