Blog - posts for March 2018
Mar 21 2018
Dagstuhl 2018
I had the honor of being invited to a seminar on "Automatic Quality Assurance and Release" at Dagstuhl by Benoit Baudry (we collaborate together on the STAMP research project).
Dagstuhl is in the middle of nowhere but it was worth it The venue is very nice. It's basically a seminar factory. Every year there are calls for seminars and you can propose research seminars.
It's subsidized by the German government and as such, the price is very low: you pay 50 euros per day and that includes everything: room, 3 meals, seminar rooms, etc. I don't know if something similar exists in France. That seems like a great idea to attract researchers from all over the world.
The seminars are generally organized as unconferences. In our case we had some talks planned every 1/2 day and that kicked of various discussion groups. Each group had a leader in charge of making sure that each session got an output in the form of a blog post (with you'll be able to find when they're published on the seminar page. I led a session on Onboarding developers.
At Dagstuhl they also have a huge and amazing book library (physical books, tens of thousands!). And they do a fun thing which I find was a nice touch: when a seminar is organized they gather all the books they have that have been written by the participants and they display them on shelf so that the authors can sign them. I got to sign the JUnit in Action book
It was a very nice experience and the first time I was participating to a research seminar organized by academia. I'm looking forward for my next seminar at Dagstuhl!
Mar 20 2018
QDashboard & SonarQube
Here's a story from the past... (it happened 10 years ago).
Arnaud Heritier just dug up some old page on the Maven wiki that I had created back in 2005/2006.
I had written the Maven1 Dashboard plugin and when Maven2 came out I thought about rewriting it with a new more performant architecture and with more features.
At the time, I wanted to start working on this full time and I proposed the idea to several companies to see if they would sponsor its development (Atlassian, Cenqua, Octo Technology). They were all interested but for various reasons, I ended up joining the XWiki SAS company to work on the XWiki open source project.
So once I knew I wouldn't be working on this, I shared my idea publicly on the Maven wiki to see if anyone else would be interested to implement it.
Back then, I was happily surprised to see that Freddy Mallet actually implemented the idea:
In September 2006, I've discovered this page written by Vincent which has directly inspired the launch of an Open Source project. One year later we are pleased to announce that Sonar 1.0 release is now available. The missions of Sonar are to :
* Centralize and share quality information for all projects under continuous quality control
* Show you which ones are in pain
* Tell you what are the diseases
To do that, Sonar aggregates metrics from Checkstyle, PMD, Surefire, Cobertura / Clover and JavaNCSS. You can take a look to the screenshots gallery to get a quick insight.
Have fun.
To give you the full picture, I'm now publishing something I never made public which are the slides that I wrote when I wanted to develop the idea:
Qdashboard and SonarQube have several differences. An important one is that in the idea of QDashboard, there was supposed to be several input sources such as mailing lists, issue tracker, etc. At the moment SonarQube derives metrics mostly from the SCM. But I'm sure that the SonarQube guys have a lot of ideas in store for the future
In 2013 I got a very nice present from SonarSource: a T-shirt recognizing me as #0 "employee" in the company, as the "Inceptor". That meant a lot to me.
Several years after, SonarQube has come a long way and I'm in awe of the great successful product it has become. Congrats guys!
Now, on to the following 10 years!
Onboarding Brainstorming
I had the honor of being invited to a seminar on "Automatic Quality Assurance and Release" at Dagstuhl by Benoit Baudry (we collaborate together on the STAMP research project). Our seminar was organized as un unconference and one session I proposed and led was the "Onboarding" one described below. The following persons participated to the discussion: V. Massol, D. Gagliardi, B. Danglot, H. Wright, B. Baudry.
Onboarding Discussions
When you're developing a project (be it some internal project or some open source project) one key element is how easy it is to onboard new users to your project. For open source projects this is essential to attract more contributors and have a lively community. For internal projects, it's useful to be able to have new employees or newcomers in general be able to get up to speed rapidly on your project.
This brainstorming session was about ideas of tools and practices to use to ease onboarding.
Here's the list of ideas we had (in no specific order):
- 1 - Tag issues in your issue tracker as onboarding issues to make it easy for newcomer to get started on something easy and be in success quickly. This also validates that they're able to use your software.
- 2 - Have a complete package of your software that can be installed and used as easily as possible. It should just work out of the box without having to perform any configuration or additional steps. A good strategy for applications is to provide a Docker image (or a Virtual Machine) with everything setup.
- 3 - Similarly, provide a packaged development environment. For example you can provide a VM with some preinstalled and configured IDE (with plugins installed and configured using the project's rules). One downside of such an approach is the time it takes to download the VM (which could several GB in size).
- 4 - A similar and possibly better approach would be to use an online IDE (e.g. Eclipse Che) to provide a complete prebuilt dev environment that wouldn't even require any downloading. This provides the fastest dev experience you can get. The downside is that if you need to onboard a potentially large number of developers, you'll need some important infra space/CPU on your server(s) hosting the online IDE, for hosting all the dev workspaces. This makes this option difficult to implement for open source projects for example. But it's viable and interesting in a company environment.
- 5 - Obviously having good documentation is a given. However too many projects still don't provide this or only provide good user documentation but not good developer documentation with project practices not being well documented or only a small portion being documented. Specific ideas:
- Document the code structure
- Document the practices for development
- Develop a tool that supports newcomers by letting them know when they follow / don't follow the rules
- Good documentation shall explicit assumptions (e.g. when you read this piece of documentation, I assume that you know X and Y)
- Have a good system to contribute to the documentation of the project (e.g. a wiki)
- Different documentation for users and for developers
- 6 - Have homogeneous practices and tools inside a project. This is especially true in a company environment where you may have various projects, each using its own tools and practices, making it harder to move between projects.
- 7 - Use standard tools that are well known (e.g. Maven or Docker). That increases the likelihood that a newcomer would already know the tool and be able to developer for your project.
- 8 - It's good to have documentation about best practices but it's even better if the important "must" rules be enforced automatically by a checking tool (can be part of the build for example, or part of your IDE setup). For example instead of saying "this @Unstable annotation should be removed after one development cycle", you could write a Maven Enforcer rule (or a Checkstyle rule, or a Spoon rule) to break the build if it happens, with a message explaining the reason and what is to be done. Usually humans may prefer to have a tool telling them that than a way telling them that they haven't been following the best practices documented at such location...
- 9 - Have a bot to help you discover documentation pages about a topic. For example by having a chat bot located in the project's chat, that when asked about will give you the link to it.
- 10 - Projects must have a medium to ask questions and get fast answers (such as a chat tool). Forum or mailing lists are good but less interesting when onboarding when the newcomer has a lot of questions in the initial phase and requires a conversation.
- 11 - Have an answer strategy so that when someone asks a question, the doc is updated (new FAQ entry for example) so that the next person who comes can find the answer or be given the link to the doc.
- 12 - Mentoring (human aspect of onboarding): have a dedicated colleague to whom you're not afraid to ask questions and who is a referent to you.
- 13 - Supporting a variety of platforms for your software will make it simpler for newcomers to contribute to your project.
- 14 - Split your projects into smaller parts. While it's hard and a daunting experience to contribute to the core code of a project, if this project has a core as small as possible and the rest is made of plugins/extensions then it becomes simpler to start contributing to those extensions first.
- 15 - Have some interactive tutorial to learn about your software or about its development. A good example of nice tutorial can be found at (for example for Docker,
- 16 - Human aspect: have an environment that makes you feel welcome. Work and discuss how to best answer Pull Requests, how to communicate when someone joins the project, etc. Think of the newcomer as you would a child: somebody who will occasionally stumble and need encouragment. Try to have as much empathy as possible.
- 17 - Make sure that people asking questions always get an answer quickly, perhaps by establishing a role on the team to ensure answers are provided.
- 18 - Last but not least, an interesting thought experiment to verify that you have some good onboarding processes: imagine that 1000 developers join your project / company on the same day. How do you handle this?
Onboarding on XWiki
I was also curious to see how those ideas apply to the XWiki open source project and what part we implement.
Ideas | Implemented on XWiki? |
1 - Tag simple issues | ![]() |
2 - Complete install package | ![]() |
3 - Dev packaged environment | ![]() |
4 - Online IDE onboarding | ![]() |
5 - Good documentation | ![]() |
6 - Have homogeneous practices and tools inside a project | ![]() |
7 - Use standard tools that are well known | ![]() |
8 - Automatically enforced important rules | ![]() |
9 - Have a bot to help you discover documentation pages about a topic | ![]() |
10 - Projects must have a medium to ask questions and get fast answers | ![]() |
11 - Have an answer strategy so that when someone asks a question | ![]() |
12 - Mentoring (human aspect of onboarding) | ![]() |
13 - Supporting a variety of platforms for your software | ![]() |
14 - Split your projects into smaller parts | ![]() |
15 - Have some interactive tutorial to learn about your software | ![]() |
16 - Human aspect: have an environment that makes you feel welcome. | ![]() |
17 - Make sure that people asking questions always get an answer quickly | ![]() |
18 - 1000 devs joining at once experiment | ![]() |
So globally I'd say XWiki is pretty good at onboarding. I'd love to hear about things that we could improve on for onboarding. Any ideas?
If you own a project, we would be interested to hear about your ideas and how you perform onboarding. You could also use the list above as a way to measure your level of onboarding for your project and find out how you could improve it further.